In the ever-changing
geopolitical environment, private sector industries and government agencies are
facing new challenges and the need to develop strategies that take into due
account Security issues for both their primary business development strategy as
well as contingency planning to address geopolitical risks and opportunities
and defend their bottom line or national interest.
CD LLC operates in the
Security Service Sector with a highly qualified team of experts with years in
key roles in defense and security organizations. We have the following
Analysis and Foresight assessments focusing on global Security and Defence
policy matters.
Comparative (Net) Assessment(s) focusing on current global
geopolitical competition(s) and rivalries.
(and Risks) Assessments on areas of potential interest for business
capability and team can support private and government agencies with the
following services in the Security and Defense Sector:
·Identifying, researching,
and tracking new, upcoming security and defense issues relevant to
geo-political and strategic environments.
·Developing strategic
recommendations for updates to institutional programs and policies, factoring
in current geo-political climate and trends.
·Evaluating and interpreting
current political issues, policies, and strategies for security and defense
·Researching, analyzing, and
assessing the impacts and consequences of climate change on global socio-economic dynamics, national
policies, and energy security strategies.